Parent/Carer-Teacher Interviews

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to welcome you into the school or over the phone for Parent/Carer-Teacher Interviews. The dates and times for your child/children's teacher availabilities will be visible once you fill in your details online at the website below.  Please ensure that you book for the correct teacher and write down your booking time, as you will not receive a reminder. Bookings can be made online via the School Interview website. Below is the information you will need to access this website. 

Click on this link and then follow the prompts to book in your interview.

If you have already had an IEP or PLP meeting with your child's teacher, it is not necessary to book another Parent/Carer-Teacher Interview. 

Kind Regards, 

Liz Duffy

Relieving Principal 

Jannali East Public School
Address: 500 Box Road Jannali NSW 2226
Phone: 02 9528 8101

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